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Happy New Year!!!

Sound Healing Events

with Elizabeth

relax and let any tension flow away ☀️ enjoy healing sound vibrations from gong, singing bowls, ethereal vocals, mantra, reiki and guided meditation ✨ or just nap

Saturday, May 25th, 9-11AM,  Meditation and Live Music Event, at Sai Baba Hall

✨Sunday, May 26th Ananda Nadayogi Solo Concert, at Samspra Academy North Performance Hall


✨Sunday, June 2nd, 4:30PM  Yoga,  Sound Healing, Carnatic Violin & Flute with Ananda Nadayogi, Kumar Babu & Elizabeth Gergaud, at Navatman NYC


✨Monday, June 3rd, 8:00PM Yoga, Sound Healing, Carnatic Violin & Flute with Ananda Nadayogi, Kumar Babu & Elizabeth Gergaud at Navatman NYC 

✨Friday, June 7th, 5:30 - 6:45pm Restorative Soundbath @Serasana.Dripping Springs in Belterra Village $33


✨Sunday, June 9th, 2:30PM Self-Care Sunday Soundbath with Elizabeth

@SanaVida.marblefalls $44


✨Tuesday, June 11th, 6:30PM, Moms Soundbath, Private Party @dakinisprings 


✨Sunday, June 16th, 2:00PM

Sound Healing with Elizabeth

@serasana.drippingsprings in Belterra Village $33

✨Saturday, June 19th, Private Ladies Retreat!  Gentle Yoga, Sound Healing, Oracle Readings, Water Sound Healing Experience!  at Dakini Spring $108 

✨Friday, June 21st, 6:30PM International Yoga Day! Hatha Yoga, Natya Yoga, Nada Yoga & Sound Healing @Samspra North Performance Hall

Live Music for Meditation Concert featuring Ananda Nadayogi, Elizabeth Gergaud, Kumar Babu, & Srinivas TBA (last weekend in June)



✨Saturday, July 6th, 5:30 - 6:45pm Sound Healing & Bamboo Flutes with Elizabeth & Raghu @lumistudioshoppe in Mt Prospect, Chicago IL $33


✨Friday, July 12th, 5:30 - 6:45pm Restorative Soundbath @Serasana.Dripping Springs in Belterra Village $33


✨Saturday, July 13th, 2:00 - 3:15pm Self-Care Soundbath @Serasana.SouthwestAustin $33


✨Sunday, July 14 th, 2:30PM Self-Care Sunday Soundbath with Elizabeth

@SanaVida.marblefalls $44


✨Wednesday, July 24th, 5:30PM, Private Party @sanavida.marblefalls 


✨Sunday, July 28th, 2:00PM

Sound Healing with Elizabeth

@serasana.drippingsprings in Belterra Village $33


Beginning of August we'll be in Tampa area.  Expect announcements of Sound Healing with Indian Ragas on Violin and Flute  at Drong Ngur Buddhist Center and a local Yoga Studio in Tampa or Clearwater Dates available - Aug  3 - 12, 2024



✨Sunday, TBA  2:30 - 4:00pm Chillax Soundbath with Elizabeth & Special Guests Ananda Nadayogi & Nagaraj Kollar  @DakiniSprings venmo $15 - $33 sliding scale venmo to @ dakini-springs to register


Soundbath at Your Studio? Private Party?! ✨Yes!!! I totally want to play at your yoga studio, b-day party, bachelorette, spa day, wedding, friends gathering, anniversary, or moon party!  Yes 🤩 let’s do it!  Msg me or Email


private sessions & private or corporate group sound healing available @dakinisprings or your locations

Book Trishakthi - Live Music Healing 

Tri Shakti 

"Embark on a transcendent journey of meditation heightened by the enchanting allure of live music. 

Join us for an immersive experience of sound healing and ancient Indian ragas - enchanting bamboo flutes, soul-stirring melodies of Carnatic violin, soothing resonance of singing bowls, reverberating depths of the gong, and ethereal Tibetan and Sanskrit chanting intertwine to create a tapestry of serenity and healing. 

Let the harmonious blend of melodious  sound guide you into a state of deep relaxation and inner peace. 

Journey to a realm of tranquility where celestial tunes act as a gateway to profound meditation, offering a unique opportunity to connect with your inner self and find solace amidst captivating vibrational medicine. This live music meditation promises an unforgettable journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation, harmonizing body, mind, and spirit."

Happy Winter Summer Solstice Instagram Post (Your Story) 2.jpg.jpg

Please reach out

to Schedule a group or private session

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